Susanne will be giving a keynote at the LAS25 Transformations in Architecture Symposium at the University in Lund, Sweden on the 11th March

Susanne will be giving a keynote at the LAS25 Transformations in Architecture Symposium at the University in Lund, Sweden on the 11th March
STUDIO SUSANNE BRORSON – Seasonal spontaneousness – the exhibition will open on 7th March 2025 at Gallery SPARK in Malmö, Sweden
Baltic Bioregional: Susanne will be teaching the ADII Building Typologies design studio on Regenerative Architecture at Riseba University Riga, Latvia in SS25
der saisonale salon – the seasonal salon
A floating pavilion, dressed in local biogenic materials
Design Build / German Academy Villa Massimo, Rome, Italy
Visiting Prof. Susanne Brorson
SS24 – Universita degli studi RomaTRE, Rome
The ‘Experimental House Rügen’ has won a Callwey Award – Best Houses in 2024!
Susanne will be giving a lecture on Nov 26th 2024 as part of the ‘Architekturforum Thüringen’ in Erfurt, Germany
Susanne will be speaking about ‘Island ecologies’ and regenerative approaches in architecture at Arkitektskolen in Aarhus, together with Prof. Niklas Fanelsa / TUM and Chrissie Muhr / Experimental, as part of Studio 3 / Prof. Ula Kozminska
The ‘seasonal salon’ – the experimental floating pavilion will be exhibited as part of the ‘Bodenforum’ – Symposium at Stiftung Kunst und Natur, Nantesbuch
Susanne will be speaking about ‘Knowing Through Making’ and experimentation for knowledge generation at Technical University Munich, as part of the ‘Bioregional Practice and Design’ Conference, chair of Prof. Niklas Fanelsa, on 12th Sep 2024
Finissage of the exhibition ‘STUDIO SUSANNE BRORSON – Seasonal Spontaneousness’ at Weissenhofwerkstatt Stuttgart / Weissenhofmuseum & Panel discussion on the use of renewable resources in urban contexts – with Monika Göbel (IntCDC Stuttgart) and Andreas Hofer (IBA 27)
last chance to view the ‘Seasonal Wall Dress’ at Palazzo Esposizioni in Rome, Italy, as part of the EXPODEMIC exhibition
Panel discussion on ‘Modernist Utopias’ at ‘Architekturgalerie am Weissenhof in Stuttgart, as part of the exhibition ‘Die Röhre’, with Klaus-Jan Philipp, Sebastian Sowa and Prof. Ole Fischer
Opening of 'the seasonal salon' / ‘der saisonale salon’ - an experimental pavilion dressed in local biogenic materials - based at Weissenhofsiedlung Stuttgart (20.07. - 08.09.) as part of 'Sommer der Künste - Villa Massimo zu Gast in Stuttgart', where it has travelled from Rome...on its way to the Baltic...
‘der saisonale salon’ - Design build workshop in collaboration with Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Prof. Andrea Klinge - The pavilion will be dressed with local bio-based materials from rewetted peatlands, harvested at Stiftung Kunst und Natur Nantesbuch. Fantastic guests also included the collective FRUGAL BAUEN & the artist Suzanne Erhardt
Opening of the exhibition ‘STUDIO SUSANNE BRORSON – Seasonal Spontaneousness’ at Weissenhofwerkstatt Stuttgart / Weissenhofmuseum Le Corbusier - Artist talks on both days – Saturday, 4pm & Sunday 11am
The ‘Eco Village Rügen’ was awarded a BDA Prize 2024!
Opening of ‘The seasonal salon’ – an experimental pavilion, dressed in local biogenic materials - during Kunstfest Villa Massimo, German Academy Rome, Italy – with students of studio_archipelago Uni ROMA3 and honey tasting with beekeeper stadtbienenhonig Erika Mayr
The Seasonal Wall Dress during installation at Palazzo Esposizioni
Opening of EXPODEMIC – Exhibition at Palazzo Esposizioni, Roma, Italy - ‘The Seasonal Wall Dress’, woven from local biogenic leftovers
Embrace the leftover! Susanne will be giving a lecture at Umeå University, Sweden as part of Umeås round table talks and guest lecture series
Susanne will be speaking about ‘Seasonal spontanoeusness’ at TU Braunschweig, Chair of Prof. Folke Köbberling
RIXArch Conference in Riga, Latvia – ‘Astra Zarina, Rome and the teacher’ – as member of the scientific committee, Susanne will be panel moderator and speak about Astra Zarina’s work in Berlin
STUDIO SUSANNE BRORSON - ’Baltic vernacular - experiments in research, teaching and practice’ - feature in the ‘Islands’ issue in MAJA Estonian architectural review
Susanne will be giving a lecture on ‘Resilience’ at IFZO International Baltic Sea Research Centre at the University of Greifswald during the symposium ‘Meaning, practices and capacities of change in Nordic landscapes’
Autumn design workshop & guest lecture at IED Istituto di Design, Rome - with Plan Comun and KOSMOS – November 2023
Open studios! at Villa Massimo, Germany Academy in Rome, Italy – Susanne will be showing a 3m x 5m artwork ‘The Seasonal Wall dress’, woven from biogenic leftovers from the park of Villa Massimo, with the help of students of Universita degli studi Roma3 – studio_archipelago
Hello UniRoma3 – Susanne will be guest professor at the architecture faculty of Universita degli studi RomaTRE, teaching the MA design studio LAB-Learning from abroad
Hello Rome! Susanne has won the German Rome Prize in architecture and will be Fellow at the German Academy Rome, Italy - Villa Massimo from September 2023 to July 2024
On fire/in fiamme – Typological experiments for overheated cities
MA design studio – LAB Learning from abroad
Visiting Prof. Susanne Brorson
WS23/24 – Universita degli studi RomaTRE, Rome
Harvest to care - Summer School on the Baltic island of Rügen with a focus on local biogenic materials, HafenCity University Hamburg, Prof. Susanne Brorson
Saisonale Räume - exhibition opening and panel talk at Schuppen29 in Hamburg, as part of the ‘Die ganze Stadt’, a contribution by HafenCity University Hamburg - Prof. Susanne Brorson
STUDIO SUSANNE BRORSON is part of the exhibtion ‘+/-1 - in search of well-tempered architecture’ at the Pavilion of Slovenia at the 18th Architecture Biennale in Venice
Susanne will be giving a lecture at FORUM in Copenhagen, as part of Arkitektföreningen’s event series
Susanne will be giving a lecture at the Royal Danish Academy KADK in Copenhagen on ‘Seasonal Spontaneousness’ at CINARK, upon invitation of Prof. Anne Beim
The seaweed monster summer kitchen
Principles of Design and Experimental Architecture
DesignBuild workshop
Prof. Susanne Brorson
SS23 – HafenCity University Hamburg
Saisonale Räume
Principles of Design and Experimental Architecture
MA DesignBuild
Prof. Susanne Brorson
SS23 – HafenCity University Hamburg
Susanne will be giving a lecture at AIT Architektursalon Hamburg as part of Henning Larsen’s exhibition ‘Changing our footprint’
Studio Archipelago - Cohabitation afloat
Principles of Design and Experimental Architecture
BA design studio
Prof. Susanne Brorson
SS23 – HafenCity University Hamburg
Studio Archipelago 1
Man Made Land, as found
Principles of Design and Experimental Architecture, BA design studio
Prof. Susanne Brorson - WS22/23 – HafenCity University Hamburg
Riga Floating Bridge
DesignBuild Workshop, Floating University Berlin
Rudolf Dainis Smits, Egons Berzins, Susanne Brorson, Maris Bardins
SS22 – Riseba FAD Riga, Hochschule Wismar
Architectural Design and Building Typologies
MA design studio - Guest Prof. Susanne Brorson
SS22 – Riseba FAD Riga, Hochschule Wismar
Riga Cohabitats
Studio 2 / Architectural design and building typologies
Guest Prof. Susanne Brorson, Zane Veja, Maris Bardins
WS 2021/22 – Riseba FAD Riga
Seasonal Wall dressing 2024
Baltic Vernacular – The Experimental Laboratory
with KADK Copenhagen and FRUGAL BAUEN
Riga Floating Concert Hall
Studio 2 / Architectural design and building typologies
Guest Prof. Susanne Brorson, Zane Veja, Maris Bardins
SS 2021 – Riseba FAD Riga
Studio Space Craft - Principles of architectural design and experimental architecture
Design studio - Prof. Matthias Ludwig, Prof. Susanne Brorson
2019-2021, Hochschule Wismar
Streu 2
18528 Bergen auf Rügen
T +49-0176-22211034
We are a young design and research-oriented architectural practice based on the Baltic Island of Rügen, led by Susanne Brorson. We are exploring climatic and regenerative architecture through experimentation; we are interested in places, landscapes and in working with the ‘as found ’.
Susanne Brorson, born in Stralsund, Germany, received her diploma in architecture from Bauhaus-University in Weimar in 2004, with studies at the University of the Arts Berlin and Politecnico in Milan, Italy. After working in reknown architecture practices in Oslo, London, Amsterdam and Berlin, she founded her own award-winning firm STUDIO SUSANNE BRORSON on the Baltic Island of Rügen, Germany. The work of her practice is closely connected to her research on vernacular and climatic architecture in the Baltic Sea region. The ‘Eco Village Rügen’ received a German Design Award 2022 in the category ‘Excellent Architecture, Eco Design’ and BDA Preis 2024, whereas the ‘Experimental House Rügen’ was recognized with the BDA award 2021 and Callwey Award /Best Houses in 2024. Already in 2017, Susanne established the ‘Baltic Vernacular – Experimental Laboratory’ teaching format that she taught at various architecture schools, involving design research and 1:1 experimentation. Susanne has published and lectured internationally, with guest professorships at RISEBA University Riga, HafenCity University Hamburg and University degli studi RomaTRE, Italy. Her contribution ‘Seasonal Wall Dressing’ was part of the exhibition ‘+/-1 – in search of well-tempered architecture’ at the Slovenian Pavilion at the 18th Architecture Biennale in Venice 2023, and at her exhibition ‘Seasonal Spontaneousness’ was shown at Weissenhof Gallery in Stuttgart in 2024. Susanne was awarded the German Rome Prize in architecture 2023/24 at the German Academy Villa Massimo in Rome, Italy.
Susanne is a licensed architect registered with the Architects Chamber Berlin (D13876) and the Architects chamber Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (3017-20-1-a). In 2024, Susanne was appointed as member of the BDA Bund Deutscher Architekten (German Architects Union).
Former and current members of staff:
Hannah Michelsen
Charlotte Subklew
Milo Stegemann
Diego Fernandez
Nina Kimschat
Thao-Thu Nguyen
Annika Borchert
Mojan Kavosh
Maik Riebort
Annalena Schmitz
Sören Nielsson
Natalija Rinkova
Leonie Kachelmann
Mustafa Muhammad
Lara Sofie Becker
Anna Nowak
Inger Friedmann
Tomas Wigorski
Naima Elena Mora
Radovan Szabo
Claudia Ovadova
Defne Ercetin
Lina Merck
Valerie Yosephine
Roman Rohrer
Guest professor at Universita degli studi RomaTRE, Rome, Italy
Rome Prize Fellow - German Academy Villa Massimo, Rome, Italy
Associate Professor at HCU HafenCity University Hamburg, Department of Architecture and Experimental Design
Guest professor at RISEBA FAD, Riga University of Business, Arts and Technology, Studio AD2 Private/Public Buildings
Associate Professor at University of Applied Sciences, Wismar – Department of Principles of Design and Experimental Architecture
Assistant professor at Brandenburg Technical University, Cottbus, Germany – Department of Architectural Form, Building Typologies and Spatial Design, Prof. Dr. h.c. Dipl.-Ing. Jörg J. Kühn
Adjunct professor at Potsdam School of Architecture, Germany – Department of Climate-responsive and Resource-optimised Building
PhD Research-Scholarship from the Female Professorship Programme of the Federal State of Germany “Climate & Typology – climate-responsive design strategies of vernacular farmsteads and settlements in the Baltic Sea area” – TU Berlin, Institute of Architecture
Adjunct professor at Hochschule Wismar, Germany – Department of Architectural Design and Representation
Assistant Professor at University of Applied Sciences, Potsdam, Germany – Department of Building Construction
Foundation of Brorson & Bookhagen with Carl Brorson
Architect at Weinmiller Architekten, Berlin, Germany
Associate / Project Architect at Karakusevic Carson Architects, London, UK & Amsterdam, NL
Architect at Leon Wohlhage Wernik Architekten, Berlin, Germany
Project Architect at Gonzalez Haase AAS Architecture & Scenography, Berlin, Germany
Project Architect at Stephen Taylor Architects, London, UK
Job architect at East architecture landscape urban design, London, UK
Diploma, Faculty of Architecture, Bauhaus – University Weimar
Guest student at University of the Arts, Berlin
Guest student at Politecnico di Milano, IT
Architectural assistant at Jarmund Vigsnaes Arkitekter, Oslo, NO
Architectural assistant at Ortner & Ortner Baukunst, Berlin, Germany
Born in Stralsund
BDA Preis MV
Drei Dreiseithöfe, Eco Villlage Rügen, Anerkennung
Callwey Award Best Houses
Experimentalhaus Rügen
Nominierung Callwey Award
Eco Village Rügen
Rome Prize
German Academy Villa Massimo, Rome, Italy
Nominierung Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis
Eco Village + New Barn, Rügen
ICONIC Award / Innovative Architecture
Eco Village + New Barn, Rügen
Dezeen Award / Emerging Practice
Nominierung Bundespreis Eco Design
Eco Village + New Barn, Rügen
German Design Award / Excellent Architecture, Eco Design
Drei Dreiseithöfe, Rügen
BDA Preis MV
Kleiner Hof auf Rügen, Anerkennung
Nominierung Landesbaupreis M-V
Kleiner Hof auf Rügen